Troy Medicare Signs Contract with CMS for 2020

Troy Medicare Signs Contract with CMS for 2020
“The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has reviewed and approved all 2020 contracting documents and post-application requirements for Contract ID H4676. We are pleased to inform you that countersigned contracting documents for Contract ID H4676 are available for download at HPMS Homepage > Contract Management > Electronic Contracting > Contract Year 2020 > View Contract Materials.
CMS will continue to provide information to contracting organizations through the Health Plan Management System (HPMS) and the CMS Web site. It is imperative that you monitor both of these resources to stay current on program requirements and information. We further remind you to ensure that your organization’s contact information in HPMS remains accurate, as that is our primary mechanism for contacting contracted organizations.
The contract along with the CMS regulations, policy guidance, and your statements in the application for H4676 articulates the mutual responsibilities of your organization and CMS under this program. Please note that your contract with CMS consists only of the terms stated in the Medicare contract and the bid certification as you downloaded them from HPMS. CMS does not consider statements made in a cover letter that you may submit with your Medicare contract, or mark ups to the contractual language, to be part of the agreement between CMS and your