We got our Medicare contract number: H4676

We got our Medicare contract number: H4676
Today we received our CMS Contract ID for Troy Medicare: H4676. Here is the official letter:
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
Division of Medicare Advantage Operations
Division of Benefit Purchasing and Monitoring
Date: 11/16/2018
Subject: Receipt of Contract Year 2020 Notice of Intent to Apply for Medicare Part C or Part C plus Part D Contract
CMS acknowledges receipt of your Notice of Intent to Apply for a 2020 Medicare Part C Contract (Medicare Advantage-Only) or a Part C Contract plus Part D (Medicare Advantage -Prescription Drug) Contract with CMS. Specifically, you intend to apply for the contract type HMO/HMOPOS.
You have been assigned a pending contract ID H4676, which will be used to submit your application(s) online in the Health Plan Management System (HPMS) and to identify your application documents in HPMS. Please be sure to include the pending contract ID on all supporting documents you submit as part of your application.
CMS will post the final Medicare Part C and Part D Applications and Instructions for completion on the www.cms.hhs.gov website in early-January.